issb test preparation

A great no of I.S.S.B Candidates are searching for I.S.S.B Preparation guide to prepare themselves for I.S.S.B. They really want to have a complete guide or forum to get all information and bulk related to I.S.S.B preparation.

ISSB is the series of test which point out the hidden qualities of the candidates. In this ISSB also determines the qualities if they are suitable for armed forces or not. ISSB is the major testing system for commission in Pakistan Army.

Aims and Objectives of I.S.S.B

Aims and objectives of I.S.S.B are as following

“Our Mission is to Select potential officers for the defense forces of Pakistan who have the requisite mental, moral, social and dynamic qualities to make successful leaders during peace and war. The above mission sets a very sacred and tough challenge for the organization which can only be met with true dedication, selfless devotion and unflinching resolve to set and meet the standards. Inter Services Selection Board follows a set of time tested protocols to analyse and predict human personality and along the way has earned a respectable name and fame to its credit.”

ISSB First Day:

On first day we arrived the ISSB Center and our bags were checked at the reception. After that we entered into the center. We were called in Johar Hall. Our documents were checked and we were allotted with our chest numbers.

After that a Detailed form filling was held in Johar Hall. We all were guided by the staff of ISSB in which psychologists were there to guide us. All academic and personal details were asked to be filled in these forms.

Note: Before your appearance in ISSB, You must know your family income and the tax paid by your father as well.

In psychological forms, we were asked to put our personal interests and hobbies.

 Second ISSB Day:

On the second day, Intelligence tests and personality tests were held. We were asked to report in Johar Hall. First of all the recitation of Holy Quran and Address President of ISSB was held. The intelligence Tests including verbal, non-verbal and mechanical aptitude tests were held.

Must Read: Complete Guide about ISSB Intelligence Tests

After intelligence tests, Psychological Tests were held by the psychologists. First of all, words were shown on the screen and we were asked to write the sentence on each word within 10 seconds. This tests is also known as Word Association Tests.

Must Read: Complete Guide about Word Association With Sample words and sentences

Then we were asked to write down a story starting form line:

First Story: His life become miserable when……..

Second Story: He was awakened late night by……..

After this a picture was shown on the screen and we were asked to write a story on it.

Must Read: ISSB Picture Story Writing with sample stories

After this the tests for 2nd day of ISSB were finished.

Third Day of ISSB:

On Third day, all candidates were divided into groups. Each Group Testing Officer came and called the chest numbers of his group and took them out of the Johar Hall.

First of all GTO asked all of us one by one to give our introduction.

In introduction Everyone told his name with his daily activities and hobbies.

After a light discussion we were briefed by the GTO about GTO Tasks.

Read Complete Guide about GTO Tasks here: ISSB GTO Tasks Complete Guide with Tips and tricks

Our Group discussion topics of ISSB were as following:

Group Discussion topic 1: Islam And Terrorism

Group Discussion topic 2 : If I become a president first I will do………(only one task)

Group Discussion topic 3: The impacts of western customs on our culture

Group Discussion topic 4: Is English Language important for progress of a country

ISSB Lecturate Topic 1: If I become principal of the College what will i do?

ISSB Lecturate Topic 2: Why cricket has more popularity when hockey is our national game?

ISSB Lecturate Topic 3: kya muqabla e husan aurtoun ki tazleel ha?

The Next task was group planning.

Must Read: Complete details about group planning.

After this task a short break was given so that we could wear GTO dress for outdoor Tasks.

Following outdoor tasks were taken by GTO on 3rd day.

ISSB Progressive Group Task

ISSB Half Group Task

Then after that we were given break and in the break time we got ready for the Interviews.

Half of the groups were subjected to ISSB Deputy President Interviews while second half were subjected to ISSB Psychological Interviews.

Read Here: Question Asked in ISSB Interviews by Deputy President and Psychologist

ISSB 4th Day:

On the fourth day we were briefed about individual obstacles.

And then other tasks were performed Command Tasks, Full Group Tasks and individual obstacles

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