Interview Questions Which is Probably Asked In ISSB Interviews.

Final Interview is taken by the Voice President. Interview includes questions about family background, education, intelligence, mathematics general knowledge and quick response.

Final Selection

Final selection of the candidate is made by the president base on the reports of Psychologist, G.T.O and the Voice president He is the head of the particular I.S.S.B where candidate is called for tests & interviews.


1.Be confident
2.Be calm
3.Be obedient
4.Be patient
5.Try to give short answers
6.Never tell a lie
7.Do not make any unnecessary move
8.Think a little bit before answer
9.Never say sorry on mathematical questions
10.You can say sorry for any question regarding education or general knowledge
11.Do not try to shake hand with the interviewer if he do not do so
12.Dress well
13.You may use a light perfume but not too much hard
14.Polish your shoes
15.Do not be shy on adult questions

About Yourself

1. Your Name Meaning.
2. Your Father Qualification.
3. Your Rank Among Your siblings.
4. Your Qualification And Marks.Your Age.
5. Your Height . Weight.
6. What do you do Now a days.?
7. Questions Related To Your Academic Qualification.
8. Questions Related To Your Hobbies.
9. Questions Related To Your Task And Performance.
10. Questions Related To Your


1. Surah Hudabia
2. Fateh Makka
3. Ghussal Ka Farahiz.
4. Wazu K Farahiz.
5. How many sons/Wives Of Prophet(P.B.U.H)
6. Biggest Surah Of Quran.
7. Shortest Surah Of Quran.
8. Total rukus. Sajde . etc
9. Ayat-ul-Kursi. Dua-Qanoot
10. Battles Jang -e Badar etc Remeber Strength of Muslims In All battles. And their Year.

Questions Related To Forces.

1. Group Captain is equal to which Rank Of Army.
2. Motive Of Army. PAF. Navy
3. Cheif Joint of Army Staff Name
4. How many People Got Nishan-e Haider And Last person mae who got this award
Question Related Your emotions. And Feelings.

If you didn’t selected then what will you do..??

Questions Related To General Knowledge

1. Pakistan K North. east. West. South mai Konsa Country hah.
2. foreign Minister Of China. Japan. India. Pakistan. America
3. Nigeria. America. Japan. China. England. Srilanka Capital.
4. Pakistan Highest And Shortest Things. Like Highest Mountain. Shortest Dam. etc.
5. Cm names Of All 5 Provinces of Pakistan.
6. Cm name of kashmir.
7. What is GT Road And Who made it..

Questions Related To English.

1. Parts Of Speech.
2. Translate into English.
3. woh tumhara kia lagta ha.
4. mai ne us se aek letter likhwaya.
5. kal raat se bht taez Barish horahe hah
6. Jiski Lathi uski Bhens
7. Woh Zaroor Yahan Ahna Chahta hah

Questions Related To Abbreviations.



Questions Related To Quick maths.

1. If U got 200.000 Rupees what will u do for Those 200.000 Rupees.?
2. If a Shirt is of 50 and Your Shop is of Your Relative he gave u 15% discount then on what Price will u buy that After 15% discount..?
3. 0.5/0.005
4. What is 35% of 450.?
5. What is 22% of 90.?
6. 8+5/3=?
7. 9-4*3/5=?
8. If 12 Eggs are of 9 Rupees then 5 Rupees k Kitne hounge..?
9. If Plane is going with 90km/hour Speed then in 35 Mint how mUch distance will it covered..?

Questions Related To Your Self Analysis.

1. BoyFriends.
2. Girlfriends.
3. Sex etc…..
4. Why Do you Want To Join PAF/Army/Navy……….???