ISSB Test Schedule
About ISSB
- ISSB Selection System
- History Of ISSB in Urdu
- ISSB schedule
- Screen Out Test
- Out Door Test
- ISSB WAT Test Tips in Urdu
- ISSB Individual Obstacles Tips
- ISSB Interview
- What to bring with you and what are prohibited items?
- What does ISSB Test measures?
- Ineligibility of ISSB TEST
- Guidelines for Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB) Test
- How many candidates are selected out of a group / batch?
- What happens if I become sick or get injured?
- Does coaching have any effect in doing well in ISSB?
- Can I appear for ISSB tests for two services in the same half of the year?
- Female candidates
- GTO tests for Female candidates
Arrival Day
- Reception
- Checking of Documents
- Allotment of ID / Chest numbers
- Photographs
- Administration Staff’s address
- Completion of Board Questionnaires
1st Day
- Opening Address by a Deputy President.
- Intelligence Tests
- Announcement of screening out result
- Remaining Psychological Tests
(Screened out Candidates will not attend the subsequent tests)
2nd Day
- Briefing
- Indoor Tasks
- Group Discussion
- Group Planning
- Outdoor Tasks
- Progressive Group Task (PGT)
- Half Group Task (HGT)
- Interviews
3rd Day
- Individual Obstacles.
- Command Task
- Final Group Task (FGT)
- Interviews (leftovers)
4th Day
- Conferences
- Preparation of all the results
- Dispersal of candidates
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