Pointer story writing in ISSB

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  • The fourth tool of psychological test is the Pointer Story Writing. Pointer story writing is like Picture story writing test. Pointer story writing is called Psychological test, where candidates are given incomplete sentence (s) and candidates have to write a story on given sentence (s)
  • Such tests provide one or more brief description of a dramatic accident or an unfinished plot around which is to be developed a story of the subject’s choice. Each situation given in such a test is one involving conflict. The major areas of conflict may include family, social and friendship relations, opposite sex, religious and moral beliefs and health.
  • Total 2 incomplete sentences will be given and then candidates will write a story (Pointer story writing) on given sentences. For each sentence time will be given same as above mentioned.
  • Maximum time is given 4 minutes, 30 seconds for read carefully and 3.5 minutes for write down a suitable, meaningful story.
Helpful tips for Pointer story writing in ISSB

1. Make an idea for pointer story writing in given 30 seconds.
2. Relate your story with the incomplete sentence given.
3. Write stories on two different themes for two different incomplete sentences and not matching with picture stories also.
4. Do not exceed 12 lines for a story.
5. Write story on your own ideas and do not copy others ideas.
6. Start your story exactly from the word where incomplete sentence ends.

Some model incomplete sentences for pointer story writing.

1. She was alone in the stormy night suddenly………….

2. She was alone in the stormy night suddenly………….

3. When he could not meet the expenses of his family………………..

4. He served to earn money but he becomes a leader of a man………………

5. He could not stand for because……………….

6. Her life was glamorous till………………

7. There relation took a new turn when ………………

8. When he lost his respect honor in the society then ……………..

9. When she lost her respect and honor in the society then……………..

10. When he saw her in trouble then …………………

11. Akmal lost his way in the enemy territory then ……………….

12. She was passing through  a thick forest suddenly……………………

13. Lost of money and power made him……………………..

14. When his life become misreable then………………….

15. Ups and downs of his life…………………………

16. On his youth Ahmed wanted to……………………..

17. Because of his youth he……………………..

18. Zahoor was a poor boy, one day he……………………..

19. She was standing lonely on a road, suddenly she……………………..

20. Their relation took a new turn when……………………..

21. He could not afford his family expenses, so he……………………..

22. She was alone in the stormy night suddenly………….

23. When he could not meet the expenses of his family………………..

24. He served to earn money but he becomes a leader of a man………………

25. He could not stand for because……………….

26. Her life was glamorous till………………

27. There relation took a new turn when ………………

28. When he lost his respect honor in the society then ……………..

29. When she lost her respect and honor in the society then……………..

30. When he saw her in trouble then …………………

31. Akmal lost his way in the enemy territory then ……………….

32. She was passing through  a thick forest suddenly……………………

33. Lost of money and power made him……………………..

34. When his life become misreable then………………….

35. Ups and downs of his life…………………………

36. On his youth Ahmed wanted to……………………..

37. Because of his youth he……………………..

38. Zahoor was a poor boy, one day he……………………..

39. She was standing lonely on a road, suddenly she……………………..

40. Their relation took a new turn when……………………..