Solved Pointer Story Writing

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Sahil was poor boy one day he…………………..


Sahil was poor boy one day he, he thought that our society is accepting those people who have money (power). Sahil was not a good in financial but was gentle man and was working for local private company. His pay was not more than 20 thousands and he was supporting his whole family.

One day he was going to his office at morning time he saw a poor lady was standing on road with his two kids, and she was begging from people. Sahil checked out his violet first and give her 3 thousands and ask her to give education to his child/ kids. Poor lady reply him that she want give education to her kids/ child but due to expensive and financial issue she can’t.Sahil ask her if I will give you job in my company then would you give education your kids/ child.

Sahil reached at office after 1 hour late, then he decides to meet with boss for her job. He requested for meet boss and boss call him. Sahil talk/ request his boss about poor lady job. His boss agreed and decide to give her job and also give promotion to Sahil after seeing his soft/ pure heart and feeling for poor people. His boss thought that if  Sahil can think for unknown people then he will think better for his company employee too that’s why his boss give him promotion.


Ali was sitting with his friends suddenly………………………….


Ali was sitting with his friends suddenly, he saw the old lady was crossing the road and there was lot of traffic on the road also she (old lady) had stick in hand because she can’t see well. Ali leaves his gathering for few minutes and stand out from chair and give sound to old lady for stand there I am coming for your help to cross the road.

Ali was most gentle heart and was interested to help the poor people, Ali reached the old lady and holds her hand and crossed the road, old lady give him prayer which was most expensive for Ali and then he come back to his gathering (friends).

Also Ali’s friend admire his work and Ali told his friend that if you will help others GOD will help you in every part of life because life is nothing but help the needy people, if you help needy you will feel proud from inside (heart). Then all of Ali friends which was sitting there they decided they will help needy people.


Ali was sitting with his college friends and suddenly______________


Ali was sitting with his college friends and suddenly one of their friends showed them a few videos describing the problem faced by flood victims due to havoc caused by the flood. They decided to help the flood victims by helping them out in this tough circumstance. They made an announcement in their colony about collecting daily use products to facilitate the flood affected people whose whole life savings were washed away by flood. He collected these daily life usage things and went to flood affected areas with trucks to rehabilitate and to rescue them. Their efforts brought smiles on the faces of flood affected peoples.

Example No: 04

He was unable to bear the expenses of his family, so he_____________________

He was unable to bear the expenses of his family, so he decided to leave his job and to run his own business. He started working on amazon and started selling his product. In just a few months he became successful in it as his products experienced high selling because of his fair dealing with his customers. In just a few years he became the largest e-commerce businessman of Pakistan. He opened his brand enabler on which he started teaching amazon and ecommerce to beginners that helped Pakistanis to level the advancing world.

Example No: 05

On a dark stormy night, she was all alone in her home and suddenly_____________________

On a dark stormy night, she was all alone in her home and suddenly she got excited after watching the result of her CSS. Actually she had gave CSS exam some months before and the result came that night. She got 32 points in that exam. She was hardworking and a dedicated girl and she burnt midnight oil for her CSS exams. She got an allocation as ASP in the police which was a challenging job for him but she managed it well and made a brilliant attempt to maintain law and order in the city. On her brilliant performance she got appreciation from her seniors officers.

Example No: 06

He joined the army for a lust of money and power_____________________

joining the Pakistan army he realized what a noble profession it is to serve your motherland by becoming part of the armed forces. He started performing well in his training period at PMA. After passing out from PMA he got posting in an infantry unit where after completing three years he joined SSG. In one intelligence base operation he saved the lives of thousands of people as he was leading that operation from front. He got hit by a bullet in his head and he embraced shahadat but his sacrifice saved thousand of peoples lives